Some Things not so Positive in HR
My Pet Peeves About HR
In my last post I talked about some positives in HR. In this post I want to discuss some not so positives in HR. These are strictly my own opinion.
One not so positive is our philosophy of always wanting to be validated. Or to have a “seat” at the table with the “strategic” executives of the organization. This has always been one of . . .
Positivity in HR
How HR is becoming more positive!!!
There have been plenty of positive changes in HR over the years. One positive change is the increase in technology in our field and the willingness of HR professionals to embrace technology to increase our ability to take care of our customers. So many of our HR functions can now be done with the assistance of technology.
Also the . . .
My HR Philosophy
I believe each person should have their own personal philosophy when it comes to work and life.
Below is my own personal HR philosophy. I do my best to live up to this philosophy every day. What is your philosophy?
Internal organizations and supported organizations
Current vs. . . .
You are a success if:
You are a success if:
You have failed 100 times and get up to try the 101st time.
You fail and fail again, but realize this does not make you a failure.
It only prepares you for your ultimate success.
You make someone better every day.
You bring value to someone every day.
You do not allow . . .
You have to have confidence in your people
When you are in charge of people, whether as a leader or as a manager there are times that you will need to show confidence in them and their abilities. Even if your people do not have confidence in themselves and their abilities, you must show them that you have confidence in them.
I once had to do this during my time in the Army. . . .
No Search No Apply for Your Next Opportunity
MyUnfold, along with all of our fans and supporters, is going to change the way everyone conducts the job search. Everyone knows the job search process is need of a change – or a more accurate description is that the job search process sucks for all involved. This is about to be the year 2016 and everyone is still using 1980s tech and even . . .