James Sherer
Keller Schroeder
On this episode of The Jason Cavness Experience I talk to James Sherer - Keller Schroeder
We talk about the following
What does it mean to be analytical
Why it is important to build relationships with the correct people
Nashville tech startups
James’ Bio
A driven, analytical leader, James has . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Shari Foos
of The Narrative Method
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Shari Foos Creator of The Narrative Method
We talk about the following
The Creative Method
Building meaningful human connections
Why empathy is important
Why radical gratitude is important
Shari’s Bio
Shari Foos is a Marriage and Family . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Michell Tsau
Founder of Avant Gardist
On this episode of The Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Michelle Tsau - Founder of Avant Gardist
We talk about the following
Avant Gardist
How she became involved in fashion
How did COVID change the fashion industry
Discovery fashion from around the world
Michell’s Bio
. . .
Posted in: #leadership
Kerry Steuart
Entrepreneur/Philosopher/Gulf War Veteran/Yoga
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience, I talk to Kerry Steuart - Entrepreneur/Philosopher/Gulf War Veteran/Yoga
We talk about the following
Warriors Ascent and MYKC
Being Authentic and Building Community
Mental Health
Kerry’s Bio
Kerry is a Gulf War Veteran who . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Candice Dietz
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Candice Dietz – CEO/CoFounder GIVESPACE
We talk about the following
How she takes advantage of available resources
Challenges of being a non tech founder
Being a Military Spouse
Candice’s Bio
Candice Dietz is the CoFounder & . . .
Posted in: #leadership
What we are building with CavnessHR
It is estimated that each year small business loses $27B or $10,000 per small business employee. It is also estimated that small business owners spend 25% of their time on HR-related items. Time that would be better spent taking care of their people, customers and building their business.
My focus with CavnessHR is to save small . . .
Posted in: #leadership
James Marszalek - Founder of Operation Red Dot
On this episode of The Jason Cavness Experience, I talk to James Marszalek - Founder of Operation Red Dot
We talk about the following
Why and how he is raising $100M
Why do some people have drive and others don’t
Challenges of military housing
Poker, pool, travel and philosophy
. . .Posted in: #leadership