Developing an Effective HR Compliance Program
Human resources compliance is a necessity for any small business today. A small business that isn’t aware of its HR responsibilities is headed for trouble.
When done correctly, HR compliance is a process. It’s a way of defining proper individual and group behaviors and assuring that laws and policies are . . .
Book Review--The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
Reviewed by Daniella Mestyanek Young, Author, TEDx Speaker & Organizational Culture-Hacker
“Where does culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing?”
This is the question that Daniel Coyle sets out to answer in “The Culture Code”, which is truly one of the best books on the market regarding culture (at least until . . .
A Talk with Will McNeil
of Black Tech Jobs
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we talk to Will McNeil – Cofounder and CEO of Black Tech Jobs
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
Sign up to join the cavnessHR waitlist at . . .
The Robots Are Coming!
Apocalyptic Thinking, the Future of Work and Preparing Your Team for the Future
Throughout recorded history, and most likely going back even further, prophets have predicted the end of the world. They’ve been seen as lunatics, as God’s messengers, or as visionaries, but almost always the average person is at as a loss as . . .
A Talk with Jeb Hurley Co-Founder & CEO Xmetryx
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we talk to Dr. Jeb Hurley is the co-founder and CEO of Xmetryx, a Team Relationship Management software company and author of Team Relationship Management: The Art of Crafting Extraordinary Teams.
@cavnessHR . . .
End of Year cavnessHR Update
It has been a few months since I provided an update on cavnessHR. I used to do these once a week and I need to get back to my weekly updates. So here I want to give an end of year update for cavnessHR.
Our previous CTO is no longer with us. His day job at the Air Force was becoming more and more demanding and his new . . .
Charles Max Wood - CEO/Podcaster
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we talk to Charles Max Wood – CEO and Podcast host of – Reaching over 70,000 software developers each week.
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
. . .Posted in: #leadership