A Talk with Robb Lifferth, PHR, SHRM-CP – VP of Human Capital, Co-Founder at Alta Scout
cavnessHR Podcast
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We talk about the following:
His company Alta Scout.
The startup and tech scene in Utah.
Why he went to an hourly rate for his recruiting company.
What is HR getting right and what is HR getting wrong
Robb’s Bio
Robb Lifferth is a self-proclaimed start-up HR expert. He has devoted most of his career to scaling start-ups and small businesses from their infancy up through IPO and beyond. Talent Management has a spectrum of needs in the small and medium business world. Robb has adapted to these needs and developed fluid practices and procedures that have resulted in award-winning company cultures. He has also cultivated tangible revenue increases and bottom line wins. Robb has held every HR job imaginable from HR generalist to Executive Vice President of Human Resources.
In early 2019, Robb co-founded a new venture called AltaScout. AltaScout is a recruiting platform that is specifically designed for start-ups, & small/medium businesses. AltaScout has redefined how the recruiting world should work by abolishing huge contingency fees and replacing them with a simple hourly rate. Flip on the switch when you need us, turn it off when you don’t. For more info, go to www.altascout.com
Robb’s Social Media
Company Website: https://www.altascout.com/
Robb’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robblifferth/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/altascout/about/
Company FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AltaScout/
Company Twitter: @AltaScout
Robb’s email: robb@altascout.com
Robb’s Advice
As an HR practitioner, the one thing I will tell people is don't accept the status quo. A lot of people as they go through it, they will accept that, hey, we got to do it just because this is the way it's always been done. That is the most broken thought process there is out in business now. We're going to do it this way because it's the way it's always been done. That's where innovation goes to die. Think through everything, challenge everything, understand the why behind everything. Not all innovation has to be some rapid jump. If you're making an incremental innovation sooner or later that becomes something big. You have to understand the why behind everything in order to do that.
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