Replay of my talk with Bernard Mendez
CEO of Interco Industries
This is a replay of my talk with Bernard Mendez on The Jason Cavness Eperience. Bernard is the CEO of Interco Industries
The Jason Cavness experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR focus on your business, we've got to HR! CavnessHR delivers HR to companies with 49 or fewer people across the US.
Did you know . . .
Replay of my Talk with Ali Schwanke
CEO/Founder at Simple Strat
This is a replay of my April 6, 2020 episode with Ali Schwanke CEO/Founder at Simple Strat
The Jason Cavness experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR focus on your business, we've got to HR! CavnessHR delivers HR to companies with 49 or fewer people across the US.
Did you know that small business loses an . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Rob Rastovich
CTO at ThingLogix, Inc
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Rob Rastovich – CTO at ThingLogix, Inc
We talk about the following
What is ranch life like
Bend, Oregon
Being a CTO
His company ThingLogix
Rob’s Bio
Rob Rastovich has been actively involved in technology for nearly 30 years, from . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Triple Summit Advisors
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Wei Wang and Dan Kanivas of Triple Summit Advisors
The Jason Cavness experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR focus on your business, we've got to HR! CavnessHR delivers HR to companies with 49 or fewer people across the US.
Did you know that small . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Sharon Goldsmith
Acting Executive Dean of Entrepreneurship and Business Development at Hofstra University
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Sharon Goldsmith – Acting Executive Dean of Entrepreneurship and Business Development at Hofstra University
We talk about the following
Hofstra University Veterans Venture Challenge
Being the head of HR and . . .
Nick Hughes
Founder/CEO Founders Live
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Nick Hughes – Founder/CEO Founders Live
We talk about the following
Believing in yourself
Founders Live
Working with the WNBA
Is entrepreneurship the same around the world
Nick’s Bio
Nick is a successful American entrepreneur with business . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Elena Valentine
CEO/Co-Founder of Skill Scout a replay from March 29, 2020
This episode of the Jason Cavness Experience is a replay of my talk with Elena Valentine CEO/Co-Founder of Skill Scout from March 29, 2029
We talk about the following
How Elena started out in media.
What are some common mistakes when making videos
Her entrepreneurial journey
Why is HR . . .