cavnessHR Business Feasibility and Market Research
that was submitted to the businessimpactnw pitch competition.
Below is the Business Feasibility and Market Research that was turned in to the BusinessImpactNW as the requirements for the next round. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Business Feasibility for cavnessHR
First, I would like to talk about the great team at cavnessHR. Without the great team at cavnessHR, none of . . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
update on the progress of cavnessHR
Another busy week at cavnessHR.
We went to the Seattle Public Library and received help from Jay Lymon - twitter @jaylyman in putting together the market research for cavnessHR. This was one of the requirements for the BusinessImpactNW pitch competition. We could not of done this without his help.
. . .cavnessHR Update
there is always something to do
The above video symbolizes how cavnessHR "crushed it" this past week.
One big item I believe for someone to do if they are starting a business is to continually learn. This week I did this by reading the book Angel by Jason Calacanis. The book is written from the perspective of enticing more . . .
Follow me on Snapchat
Follow my daily startup journey on Snapchat
Follow my startup journey on Snapchat. I will cover how I am building cavnessHR, startups, small business, tech and of course HR.
cavnessHR weekly update
What has been going on with cavnessHR and going all in with cavnessHR
This past week as been a busy one for cavnessHR and for myself. At my place of employment Highline College, I was blindsided and informed that my contract as the HR Director would not be renewed. At Highline College if you are an exempt employee you serve on an annual contract. I had no idea this would happen and I was not given a . . .
How I am Building cavnessHR without a CTO
sometimes things just work out for you
In my previous blogs I talked about my search for a CTO. In this blog, I will talk about how I am building cavnessHR without one. I also did lots of research on if a startup even needs a CTO.
As part of starting cavnessHR, I go to startup networking events. At these events, you learn about various other startups. One such . . .
My Search for a CTO
it has been a continual process
In my last blog I talked about my struggles with finding a CTO. In this blog I will talk about how I went about looking for a CTO. I believe everyone knows how important having a CTO is when building a startup. For a better view of the role of a CTO in a startup, please watch the video.
Around . . .