On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Cynthia Del’Aria CEO/COO Raika Technologies
cavnessHR website: https://www.cavnessHR.com
Jason’s email: jasoncavness@cavnessHR.com
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about the following
Her company Raika Technologies.
Thunder Puppy K9.
Advice for non-tech founders
Importance of Product Market fit and Idea Validation.
Cynthia’s Bio
I am a startup ninja.
I know how to dig into any idea and find the gold, the killer feature, the thing users absolutely cannot live without... And I know how to help entrepreneurs turn their idea into a business that will make real money.
I started coding when I was 8 years old, and over the past several decades have learned what great technology implementations look like from some of the smartest people in the industry. My first two companies were all about web design and development and finding ways to help companies come into the new era of promoting and doing business on the web, and it turns out, I have a natural knack for business.
My past experience building my own startups gave me a lens through which to examine what would work for other business types in tech and how to apply those processes and methodologies for other people who have great tech ideas.
I developed the curriculum for the Raika Technologies and GotAnAppIdea.com Startup Program based on what I've done in my own companies and those of our clients, all for one guiding purpose: to help new app and tech entrepreneurs spend as little time and money as possible evaluating their idea, helping them get to a go-no-go decision quickly and efficiently. I also developed a process to help stakeholders, Project Managers, Product Managers and IT professionals at all size companies test new ideas without impacting their teams, road maps and corporate priorities.
I help companies and entrepreneurs get things done!
Cynthia’s Social Media
Company Website: https://www.raikatech.com/
Company FB: https://www.facebook.com/raikatech/
Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/raikatech
Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raikatechnologies/
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/raikatechnologies/
Cynthia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cynthiadelaria/
Incubate This Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9nb3RhbmFwcGlkZWEuY29tL2luY3ViYXRlX3RoaXNfcG9kY2FzdC9pbmN1YmF0ZV90aGlzX2ZlZWQueG1s?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO6MiptabrAhXYCc0KHTghDO4Q4aUDegQIARAC&hl=en
Cynthia’s Gift
On https://www.raikatech.com/cavness there will be an offer where you can book a one hour free consultation with me. If you own a startup and you're struggling with something. Bring the challenges that you're dealing with, and we can work through those and come up with some solutions. If you're somebody who has been thinking about an idea and you just want to bounce it off me. I'll make myself available, give you a free hour of my time to just chat and dig in and see how I can help. So that's
Cynthia’s Advice
Know thyself. Listen to your heart, listen to your intuition. Trust, that if you are called to do a thing or something resonates with you. Trust that there's a reason why we're given visions and there's a reason why we're given dreams and goals. Trust that and don't be afraid to do something new or different to go after something that you really want.
Because like I said earlier, you own your future you own every dream that you have. It's up to you, whether you make it come true or not. Especially in this country, we're so incredibly lucky that we have the freedom to pursue whatever we want. That's the pursuit of happiness. So find your happy and go pursue it and don't ever stop. Don't ever let anyone else tell you. You can't. Because I'm telling you, you can.
The Jason Cavness Experience can be found at the following places.
Apple Podcasts: https://cavnesshr.co/y93p Amazon Alexa: https://cavnesshr.co/xtwp
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