On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Anthony Hayes of The Hayes Initiative
CavnessHR Crowdfunding Campaign
We are doing a rewards based crowdfunding campaign for CavnessHR starting March 2. We're doing this crowdfunding campaign to continue the build out of CavnessHR. Our rewards will include CavnessHR t-shirts, social media outreach for you and your company, ebooks, webinars and more. You can go to the CavnessHR Indiegogo link at
CavnessHR Social Media
cavnessHR website: https://www.cavnessHR.com
Jason’s email: jasoncavness@cavnessHR.com
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about the following
How a crisis can be an opportunity
Crisis media relations
The Hayes Initiate
Building inclusivity into organizations
Anthony’s Bio
THI founder Anthony Hayes has spent more than 18 years in communications, crisis and issue management and political and legislative campaigns. A seasoned C-level advisor, Anthony has
cultivated an energetic, fast-growing company now trusted to execute strategy for prominent clients around the globe. He’s served leaders at the highest levels including presidential candidates, members of the U.S. Cabinet, governors and other elected officials, C-Suite executives, law enforcement officials, and high-ranking health and legal professionals.
Anthony’s firm has advised clients involved in complex legal matters and managed high-stakes media relations during crises such as Bridgegate, airport security breaches, and natural disasters
including Superstorm Sandy and hurricane relief efforts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. At THI, we help leaders and organizations deliver major initiatives, break through the noisy media landscape, and navigate the world of politics and government. We excel with high pressure, politically sensitive, and confidential issues while demonstrating the utmost level of discretion and judgment.
Anthony’s Social Media
Anthony’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonyjhayesnyc/
Company Website: https://hayesinitiative.com/
Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hayesinitiative/
Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/hayesinitiative
Anthony’s Gift
Contact info@hayesinitiative.com and tell Anthony and his team you found them from The Jason Cavness Experience,
Anthony’s Advice
I would just remind everybody that 2021 is going to still be about crisis communication. Even with all the vaccines rolling out. Do you think people need to sort of think through that lens as they think about the rest of this year? I would say they should be pulling out their crisis management plan if they haven't already. If they don't have one, they should create one. I think look at what happened in 2020 and what worked well and what didn't, and put that into place. I would strongly recommend that people think about messaging through the lens of being hopeful and forward looking.
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