A Talk with Sarah St. John Host of the Frugalpreneur Podcast
The Jason Cavness. Experience
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Sarah St. John Host of the Frugalpreneur Podcast
cavnessHR website: https://www.cavnessHR.com
Jason’s email: jasoncavness@cavnessHR.com
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about the following
Her love for animals
Her favorite tools
Being an entrepreneur
Her podcast
Sarah’s Bio
Sarah St. John is entrepreneur, author, and the host of the podcast, Frugalpreneur. She has created several startups throughout her entrepreneurial career of over a decade. Through her books, blog and a podcast. Her goal is to show people how to launch a online business on a budget.
Sarah’s Social Media
Sarah’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-stjohn/
Sarah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/thesarahstjohn
Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesarahstjohn/
Sarah’s Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/frugalpreneur/_created/
Sarah’s website: https://www.thesarahstjohn.com/
Sarah’s Gift
Sarah’s Advice
One thing I've struggled with during my entrepreneurial journey is spending so much time learning. Whether it's through podcasts or courses or books. Of course, education is important, and you should learn. But if you spend all your time learning and never implementing what you learned. What's the point Really? So recently, I've adopted this for every hour I spend learning, I'll spend another hour implementing what I learned. That way I don't get stuck on that. I guess a rabbit hole basically, of education. Just reading and listenting to podcasts because if you never implement what you learn, it's kind of pointless.
The Jason Cavness Experience can be found at the following places
Apple Podcasts: https://cavnesshr.co/e7c Amazon Alexa: https://cavnesshr.co/bc9a9
YouTube: https://cavnesshr.co/ng9 Twitch: https://cavnesshr.co/58p
Spotify: https://cavnesshr.co/2z5 Stitcher: https://cavnesshr.co/yf7
PodMust: https://cavnesshr.co/iei Acast: https://cavnesshr.co/tz9
Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/ps923k68
Google Podcasts: Available on Google Podcasts on your mobile device
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