All Men are Created Equal
Cognitive Bias, Socialization, and How to Reach out to Women
In the Declaration of Independence there is an iconic phrase, one that nearly every American and others around the world, can quote without help, “All men are created equal”. But oftentimes it’s easy to forget, in 2019 when we’ve achieved a seeming gender parity, that when these words were written, most . . .
A talk with John E. Richards - Entrepreneur/Angel Investor/Mentor/Advisor
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast, we talk to John Richards - Entrepreneur Angel Investor Mentor Advisor
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Posted in: #leadership
I9 Form Pitfalls
cavnessHR Weekly Newsletter
Posted in: #leadership
Reading Broadly
How I Unbrainwashed Myself
I’ve been out of a cult for almost two decades now, after being born and raised in the one that my family helped to lead for generations. During that time period, I’ve been asked repeatedly, “Why I’m not more brainwashed?” There’s an unspoken implication that if it was really as bad as . . .
Derren Burrell – President and Founder of Veteran Ventures Capital
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we talk to Derren Burrell – President and Founder of Veteran Ventures Capital
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
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Remote Work
cavnessHR Weekly Newsletter
Posted in: #leadership
White Fragility: Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism
A Book Review and Discussion
“Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility brings language to the emotional structures that make true discussions about racial attitudes difficult.” –Claudia Rankine (Reviewer)
As a white, liberal democrat, who grew up abroad and only came to the US as a teenager, I’ve often struggled with . . .