Dr. Lynne Robinson Mayor of Bellevue, Washington
The Jason Cavness Experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR provides HR to companies with 49 or fewer people. CavnessHR provides a tech platform that automates HR while providing access to a dedicated HR Business Partner.
Go to www.thejasoncavnessexperience.com for the podcast on your favorite . . .
Charles Connor - aka The Original Spur has been an artist since the age of four. He first learned to draw Ninja Turtles from his siblings and was hooked ever since.
The Jason Cavness Experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR provides HR to companies with 49 or fewer people. CavnessHR provides a tech platform that automates HR while providing access to a dedicated HR Business Partner.
Go to www.thejasoncavnessexperience.com for the podcast on your favorite . . .
Why HR is Important for Small Companies with 15 or Fewer Employees
Many people think Human Resources (HR) is only for big companies, but HR is just as important for small businesses too. Even if a business only has 15 or fewer employees. Having good HR practices can make a big difference in helping the company grow, stay out of legal trouble, and keep a happy workplace.
- Staying Legal
Byron Robinson - Chairman & CEO Robinson & Co and USA Olympian
The Jason Cavness Experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR provides HR to companies with 49 or fewer people. CavnessHR provides a tech platform that automates HR while providing access to a dedicated HR Business Partner.
Go to www.thejasoncavnessexperience.com
for the podcast on your . . .
Understanding Employee Classification: Exempt vs. Non-Exempt
As a small business owner, you wear many hats. One important role is making sure you classify your employees correctly. This means knowing the difference between "exempt" and "non-exempt" employees. Understanding this can help you follow the law and keep your business running smoothly.
What Does "Exempt" Mean?
An exempt employee is . . .
SHAILENDRA PRATAP JAIN, PH.D. is a Bret Wheat Endowed Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle.
He recently wrote a book with his wife SHALINI SARIN JAIN, PH.D. Associate Professor of Management and the inaugural Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Milgard School of Business, University of Washington, Tacoma. “Managing Brand Transgressions: 8 Principles to Transform Your Brand” https://www.amazon.com/Managing-Brand-Transgressions-Principles-Transform/dp/150152108X
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for the full episode and other episodes of The Jason Cavness Experience on your favorite platforms.
The Jason Cavness Experience is sponsored by CavnessHR. CavnessHR provides HR to companies with 49 or fewer people. CavnessHR provides a tech platform that . . .
Why Companies with Ten or Fewer People Need HR
In the competitive landscape of modern business, the importance of HR does not depend on company size. While HR is often associated with large corporations. Small companies with ten or fewer employees can gain advantages from having HR. Small businesses face unique challenges that effective HR can address.
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